Do you offer a complimentary consultation?
Absolutely. While some plastic surgeons assess a fee for an initial consultation, Dr. Janjua believes that the first meeting presents an important opportunity for doctor and patient to discuss a range of possibilities and realistic expectations. Feel free to schedule your first consultation today – it’s complimentary.
How should I prepare for our initial meeting?
Before your complimentary consultation, read the information and review the before-and-after photographs on this web site. Feel free to ask Dr. Janjua for referrals to previous patients who will share their experiences. Bring a written list of questions so that we can be sure to address all your concerns and discuss realistic expectations.
Which facial rejuvenation procedure will be the most effective in helping me achieve the look I want?
When you visit our Bedminster, NJ office for a complimentary consultation, we will discuss your needs in detail. Dr. Janjua will listen carefully to your concerns, and will address each need individually. Together, we will discuss practical, affordable short-term and long-term solutions. Patients enjoy this first meeting because it offers a strong foundation on which to base future decisions. Often, patients leave the office with renewed confidence, knowing that what they have long envisioned is indeed achievable.
What is the surgeon’s level of experience in performing facial rejuvenation treatments?
Dr. Janjua is a board-certified facial plastic surgeon trained in Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery – at Yale University. He then did a fellowship in "Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery" in California under the auspices of the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. He has authored numerous papers in prestigious medical journals, as well as chapters in textbooks. He also has presented at international meetings.
Dr. Janjua won the Storz national award for designing an instrument used to correct droopy eyelids. He is Board Certified by the American Board of Facial Plastics and Reconstructive Surgery as well as the American Board of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery. Dr. Janjua remains active in clinical research. He is the past president of Somerset County Medical Society and recently was elected to the Board of Morristown Memorial Hospital. He also sits on the board of the New Jersey Academy of Facial Plastics and Reconstructive Surgery.
Dr. Janjua opened his Bedminster, NJ practice in 2001.
I’ve heard about the wrinkle-reducing benefits of Botox, but how does it work?
Botox is a bacteria-produced chemical that causes short-term paralysis of facial muscles (and thus minimizes wrinkles) for three to six months. Botox Type A and B have been purified and are FDA approved for forehead wrinkles and crow’s feet.
I’m considering facial fillers Restylane, Juvederm, Radiesse and Sculptra. How do these procedures work?
Restylane is a dermal filling substance made of hyaluronic acid, produced biosynthetically by bacterial fermentation. FDA-approved hyaluronic acid is a natural substance found throughout your body. It gives volume to the skin, lubricates the joints, and gives the eyes their shape.
Juvederm is a quick treatment well suited for lips and smile lines. The treatment takes about 10 minutes and no skin testing is needed.
Radiesse is an FDA-approved filler material used in the nasolabial grooves (laugh lines), cheeks or any depressed scar. Once injected, it becomes surrounded by the body's own collagen and maintains its volume for up to one year.
Sculptra is a sculpting agent approved by the FDA for restoration and/or correction of the signs of facial fat loss in sunken cheeks, indentations, and hollow eyes. Sculptra is a safe, synthetic, and biocompatible material that provides a gradual and significant increase in skin thickness, improving the appearance of folds and sunken areas.
How long do facial fillers like Restylane, Juvederm, Radiesse and Sculptra last?
Each of these fillers performs differently in each patient. Generally speaking, Restylane minimizes wrinkles in laugh lines and the upper lip area for up to six months. Juvederm can last from six months to a year. Radiesse is particularly effective in laugh lines and the cheekbone area and can last up to one year. Sculptra tends to last up to two years. With all fillers (except Sculptra), patients notice results after one treatment. In the case of Sculptra, the filler builds up slowly over a period of one to six months and requires three or four treatments one month apart.
Read more about Restylane
Read more about Juvederm
Read more about Radiesse
Read more about Sculptra
Are Botox and facial fillers safe?
Yes, all have been used extensively and are FDA approved for cosmetic rejuvenation. In fact, they are so mild that skin tests are not required.
I want to try Botox and Restylane, but don’t like needles.
Some people tolerate injections better than others. If you’re hypersensitive, Dr. Janjua will prescribe a numbing cream that you simply apply to the face an hour before your procedure. Be sure to remove your makeup first so that the numbing agent can do its job. Also, if you’re especially apprehensive about medical procedures, Dr. Janjua can prescribe a mild anti-anxiety medication to be taken an hour before your treatment. Botox and Restylane are applied while you relax in a seat that’s similar to a dentist’s chair. We will give you an ice bag immediately following your procedure to help minimize swelling. The entire procedure lasts just minutes.
Read more about Botox
Read more about Restylane
Will my face still be expressive if I use Botox?
While Botox minimizes wrinkles in the forehead and eye area, your face will still reflect emotion and expression. If you opt to have Botox applied to your entire forehead area, you will no longer see the wrinkles that typically accompany a look of “surprise,” but most patients consider that to be a positive improvement aesthetically.
Read more about Botox
I’m considering a facelift. What’s the difference between a traditional facelift and a “mini-facelift”?
A facelift (Rhytidectomy) improves the aesthetic appearance of the face by minimizing signs of aging. Skin is gently elevated beginning at the temple, front of the ear, and the hairline behind the ear. It is then pulled backward and upward and sutured in place after excising the extra skin. This procedure tightens the skin, eliminates the jowls, and gives a youthful facial appearance.
There are several variations on this procedure.
The traditional facelift requires significant downtime because of swelling and bruising. Since many patients cannot afford the luxury of spending two to three weeks away from work or social activities, the demand for a more efficient approach ultimately led to the mini-facelift.
Today’s mini-facelift takes only about two hours and does not require general anesthesia. It can be done under twilight sleep (conscious sedation) or simply local anesthesia. Patients are usually able to resume normal household activities the following day.
I’ve always disliked the hump on my nose and am considering rhinoplasty. But will everyone notice that I’ve had a nose job?
This is a typical concern among rhinoplasty patients. Very often, when patients have their noses straightened, they also change one or more other physical characteristics. For example, if you return to work with a new nose as well as an updated hairstyle and new eyeglasses, your surgical enhancement won’t be as obvious. The same is true after a facelift – friends will remark that you look “well rested” or ”especially pretty” although they won’t know exactly why.
What kinds of non-surgical options do you offer to improve the appearance of my skin?
Today’s innovative and safe laser skin resurfacing, chemical peels and dermabrasion offer many options:
Laser skin resurfacing uses a precisely defined beam of high energy to minimize deep pores, blotchy patches, melasma, fine wrinkles, coarseness, birth marks, tattoos and unwanted facial hair.
Chemical peels help remove the most superficial layer of skin (mostly dead skin cells), and stimulate the growth of new cells from deeper layers.
Dermabrasion removes superficial skin layers under local or general anesthesia and stimulates growth of fresh cells from the deeper skin to give the skin a younger look with better tone, texture and color. It is especially helpful for acne scarring.
Is it true that you can help make my thin eyelashes look thicker?
Thanks to prescription treatment Latisse, your lashes can grow to be longer, thicker and darker in as soon as eight weeks. Latisse is FDA approved for hypotrichosis, the scientific name for having inadequate or too few eyelashes. Ask Dr. Janjua if this treatment is right for you.
Do you offer overall health and beauty tips?
Yes. Dr. Janjua’s beauty tips include drinking plenty of water, getting regular exercise, eating sensibly, sleeping for eight hours a night, not smoking, practicing daily skin care, limiting sun exposure, and wearing a high-quality sunscreen to block both UV-A and UV-B rays. Our Prevage MD and PCA skin care lines are highly recommended for optimal results.
Where are surgical procedures performed and how long will it take?
Non-surgical procedures including Botox, Juvederm, Restylane, Radiesse and Sculptra are performed in the Bedminster office in minutes. In fact, you can schedule time on your lunch hour, if you wish. More time-consuming surgical activities including eyelid tucks and mini-facelifts require a visit to our surgical centers in Morristown or Florham Park. Dr. Janjua will discuss these options during your complimentary consultation.
Read more about Botox
Read mroe about Juvederm
Read more about Restylane
Read more about Radiesse
Read more about Scultra
Will anesthesia be used during the procedure? If so, what kind?
In-office procedures such as Botox and Restylane require no anesthesia, but some patients prefer to use a prescribed numbing agent on their faces prior to the injections. Surgical procedures such as eyelid tucks and mini facelifts require general anesthesia at our surgery centers. [link to each individual procedure page]
What should I expect, post-operatively, in terms of soreness, scaring, activity level and so on?
Each patient is different. For example, some tolerate in-office Botox injections well, and some prefer to use a prescribed numbing agent on the face. Some bounce back from surgery with little swelling or bruising, and some require additional ice compresses. Please carefully read the information in our Forms section under Botox and Filler Instructions prior to your visit. A healthy patient is more apt to recover quickly, so be sure you’re well nourished and well-rested prior to any procedure. Always keep Dr. Janjua advised of any allergies, medical conditions, or medications.
How often do patients experience complications with the treatment?
Dr. Janjua takes every precaution in assuring that each procedure is as comfortable as possible. However, occasionally a patient will experience unusual bruising or swelling. In these instances, Dr. Janjua recommends ice compresses. A little extra makeup also helps conceal any bruising that might occur after a procedure.
What is the surgeon’s policy when it comes to correcting or repeating a procedure if it does not meet agreed-upon goals?
Dr. Janjua maintains a distinguished record for compassionate care and technical excellence. All patients are encouraged to ask many questions so that they understand what is medically achievable and what is not. On rare occasions when Dr. Janjua needs to correct or repeat a procedure, the surgeon’s fee will be waived. However, if the procedure requires time in the Surgery Center, the patient will be responsible for the Surgery Center and the Anesthesiologist’s fees.
How much does the procedure cost and what other elements factor into that cost?
Costs vary depending upon the complexity of treatment. For surgical treatments that require anesthesia, patients will be billed separately by the anesthesiologist. When you visit Dr. Janjua for your complimentary consultation, the office staff can provide you with a list of fees. Flexible and affordable payment options are available.
Once I decide to move forward with treatment, how long before I can actually have the procedure?
Once you schedule an in-office treatment for Botox, Juvederm, Restylane, Radiesse or Sculptra, the doctor often can see you within 24 to 48 hours. Since these procedures take minutes, patients find it quite convenient to visit the office during lunch hour or even between errands. Surgical treatments require more lead time, but Dr. Janjua often can perform the procedure a week or two after it’s scheduled.
Read more about Botox
Read mroe about Juvederm
Read more about Restylane
Read more about Radiesse
Read more about Scultra
I’ve been considering plastic surgery for a long time. How do I know if I’m ready?
Changing your physical appearance will never bring you true happiness or satisfaction unless you are doing it for the right reasons – with realistic expectations. Self-help books help treat mild stress, but if you’ve experienced more than two weeks of continued stress, low moods, mood swings, anger, lack of appetite, decreased libido, sense of hopelessness, crying spells, sleep disturbances, an inability to derive positive feelings from things and interactions that used to make you happy, an inability to maintain a job or relationship, or a poor body image, these are signs of underlying depression, anxiety or both. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, please seek help from a psychiatrist or psychotherapist.
However, if you can honestly say that you are emotionally healthy, you’re ready to embark on the amazing adventure of facial rejuvenation. You might start with a procedure as simple as Botox or as aggressive as a facelift. Always secure at least two expert medical opinions and then go with your intuition. A well-informed patient is the best patient, and usually the happiest one in the long run.
We look forward to meeting you! To get started, call (908) 470-2600 or schedule a private, complimentary consultation now.