Facial skin can loose its firmness, texture and color with age and after repeated exposure to sun. The single most important prevention is the consistent use of sunscreens throughout one’s life. However, once the damage has been done, the skin can be significantly rejuvenated with the help of a chemical peel. All peels help remove the most superficial layer of skin (mostly dead skin cells), and stimulate the growth of new cells from deeper layers.
Peels can be categorized as superficial, medium and deep.
Superficial peels are painless and are generally performed by aestheticians. A common example is the glycolic acid peel.
Medium-depth peels can cause discomfort, so we recommend using a prescription strength skin numbing cream before the procedure. These peels can penetrate into deeper layers, thus stimulating the growth of new collagen, improving the skin tone and texture, and removing any blemishes. An example of medium depth peel would be TCA (Trichloracetic Acid)
Deep peels achieve maximum penetration into the skin and offer the most improvement. An example of a deep peel is the Phenol peel. However, we recommend this procedure only occasionally because the risks of scarring or changes in skin color multiply with the increased depth of a chemical peel.
The risks and benefits of chemical peels should be discussed with your plastic surgeon, and alternate methods of skin rejuvenation should be considered as well.