Facial Plastic Surgery | Laser Skin Resurfacing in Morris County NJ
Janjua Facial Surgery

Laser Skin Resurfacing

Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation (LASER) is a precisely defined beam of high energy that minimizes the usual scattering of light. Over the last 30 years, lasers have been applied effectively in facial plastic surgery for many purposes.

During the procedure, the patient is awake. Occasionally, over-the-counter pain medication such as ibuprofen and a prescription skin numbing cream are necessary because some lasers can cause mild to moderate discomfort.

The most common uses of lasers include:

  • Laser resurfacing to improve the skin’s appearance. Helpful for aging skin that has deep pores, blotchy patches, melasma, fine wrinkles and coarseness.
  • Treating port-wine stains and other birth marks
  • Removing tattoos
  • Removing unwanted facial hair (Multiple visits are typically required for effective hair reduction)



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